Originally found on TrendyMinds.com.
For a decade the SEO-software powerhouse, Moz, has hosted their annual SEO conference, MozCon. This year we made the trip out to the land of SEO (Seattle, WA) to join 1,500 other marketers looking to stay on the leading edge of search engine marketing practices.
Moz describes their conference as “Three days, one track of forward-thinking, actionable sessions in SEO, brand development, CRO, the mobile landscape, analytics, customer experience, social and content marketing, and more.” Our challenge is take these insights and turn them into something that will benefit our clients.
Below you can find some of the hottest tactics and best takeaways that all the trendy SEO’ers were talking about at MozCon 2017.
Trevor, Spencer and Mitch attend MozCon 2017 in sunny Seattle.
Digital Marketing Specialist
Stop going against the grain, and start tailoring content to the platform.
One speaker that really stood out was Phil Nottingham, Video Strategist at the video platform, Wista. He dove into the concept of putting your distribution channels at the forefront of your content marketing strategy, instead of creating content and blasting it out to every platform you’re using.
One excellent example of the shift of purposeful content creation is the struggle between creating video for YouTube and Facebook. Too often you’ll see videos on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter that were clearly meant to be viewed in a longer form on YouTube.
The key difference between videos on these two platforms is how it is actually consumed. YouTube is meant for the “active browsers” who are searching for specific types of videos. Facebook on the other hand is very fluid and often is meant for passive viewing. On YouTube there is a timed skip ad button where you have a timed opportunity to draw in your audience. Facebook also has a skip ad button… it’s called the thumb.
In 2016, 85% of all Facebook video was watched without sound. As you’re creating video for these channels, Phil made this very easy to remember with a simple math equation (not real math) about how users consume the content:
YouTube = AURAL + Visual
Facebook = VISUAL + Aural
It’s time to keep distribution channels in mind as you build your content marketing plan. Stop blasting a single piece of content across every channel — it removes the user from the platform’s native experience and can be harmful for your brand. Tailoring content will increase in-platform engagements and drive valuable links back to your owned subscription channels like a website or emails. Start capitalizing on optimized content and push meaningful actions for your brand.
TL;DR — Distribution channel comes first when it comes to social content creation.